Accessory Buildings Requirements And Recommendations
You are making an investment in your property. We are happy to assist you in mitigating your risks for improper placement and non-compliance.
Accessory Building must:
Comply with applicable Village ordinances.
Submit a complete permit application. The submitted application must be APPROVED prior to commencing any construction.
Submit the required permit fee before any permit application review will begin.
All work must be completed within an appropriate time frame, unless an exception is granted at the discretion of the Building Inspector.
Construction of the structure must comply with the 2021 International Residential Code and adopted amendments.
Does the permit application fee differ for different types of projects?
Yes, Garages and built in place accessory buildings are 0.14 per gross square foot with $150.00 minimum All others are a minimum of $50.00.
What is considered an Accessory Building?
Anything not attached to or closer than 2' two feet of the main building.
Car Port.
Storage Shed, Yard Barns
Pool Houses.
Where can I put my accessory building?
Placement - An accessory building cannot be set any closer than two feet to a side yard line and five feet to a rear yard line.
Easements – Accessory buildings can be placed in an easement but the owner should consider the following:
Accessory buildings being placed in an easement cannot be built on a permanent foundation. i.e. concrete, or large stone
Prior to placing an accessory building in an easement the homeowner should consider the easement is there for a purpose.
The beneficiary of that easement has the right to remove any encumbrances therein and do not have to repair or replace anything removed.
Easements can be found on the subdivision recording document and/or other recorded document specific to the property.
Set Backs - All appropriate zoning setbacks must be adhered to when building an attached accessory structure.
What limitations do I need to think about prior to applying for a permit?
Home Owners Association approval - It is the responsibility of the property owner to obtain Architectural Review Committee APPROVAL when required for planned property improvements. Recorded subdivision documents may prohibit or restrict certain types of improvements. Please review your subdivision documents to determine what limitations, in addition to the Village Ordinance requirements, apply to your property.
How big of an accessory building can I build?
The size of the property determines how large of an accessory building you can have.
No accessory building can be over 1000 ft2 .
Lot coverage varies depending on the zoning of the lot.
The calculated maximum ft2 of accessory buildings can not be exceeded.
Do I need to find my lot pins?
The Building Inspector needs to verify proper placement of the structure.
Lot pins do not need to be located if the structure is in the build-able area of the lot.
The build-able area of the lot varies in size and is determined the property zoning.
Single Frontage Lot
Multiple Frontage Corner Lot
For more information about your property lines visit Champaign County’s GIS program:
Do I need a permit to change or expand an existing accessory building?
When you are changing the existing foot print.
If more than 50% of the structure is being replaced.
Any change to an existing structure that was constructed without a permit issued by the Village.
If the structure to be altered was originally constructed under a permit issued by the Village and the change(s) doesn't meet the 50% threshold for repair or replacement.
If weather event damages an existing structure, the damage can be repaired with no changes to the footprint of the existing structure prior to the weather event.
If all purposed work is cosmetic in nature.
What inspections do I need?
Stake Out Inspection - The permit application approval email to be sent to the applicant will indicate what inspection are required.
Final Inspection - A final inspection must be completed to close out the permit for compliance and receive a Certificate of Completion for the permitted structure.
How will I know if the permit is approved?
The building inspector will contact you regarding the status of your application within three (3) business days. If you do not receive an email with approval or requesting additional information with in 3 day please contact the Community Development Department.
Property Owner or Contracting Company's Responsibilities
Check with your HOA/POA to verify the structure you intend to build is permitted in your subdivision.
Complete the application the applicable fees payable to the Village of Mahomet to the attention of Community Development Department (see application for design requirements).
Do not start your project before your permit has been approved.
Work performed without a permit will result in higher permit fee.
The permit must be displayed while work is being completed.
Call J.U.L.I.E. at 811 prior to any excavation.
Each property can have its own unique constraints so call us at 586-4456 ext. 123 if you have any questions. We will be happy to help.